1. No Internet Issue

After completing both WordPress Setup and App setup, If you are facing No Internet problem in the app then check out the solution below.

Why is this happening?

The issue can happen when the Newsfreak Configs plugin doesn't return any data. You can check whether your site returning any data or not from the endpoint below:


If your configuration is successful then the endpoint will return a list of data otherwise it will return no data.


  1. You need to make sure that you have followed 2.1 from here.

  2. You need to save the form in the Newsfreak Configs first. Don't forget to add your purchase code in the Purchase code field.

If your purchase code is not correct, then it won't return any data. Where is your purchase code? Check this out: link

  1. After saving the form successfully, Clear the cache if you are using any cache plugins like LiteSpeed Cache or others.

  2. Now check out the endpoint again. It should return data now.

Last updated